Amber Sewell

Amber Sewell is an artist living and working in Essex. After graduating from BA Fine Art at Falmouth University in 2020, Amber has continued to expand her practise which spans from large scale one-off screenprints to playful sculptures. Her work references her experience of popular culture through a satirical lens. Instagram: @ambersewellart


Where would you like your work to take you?

Collaborations and exihibitions!

What do you look for when creating an image?

I like there to be obvious evidence of activity- charcoaly handprints, a dusty footprint or a rapid motion of spray paint. Like a dog pissing on a lamp post, I like to make my mark. It brings an artwork alive for me.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

New places, new people, nights out, walks, charity shops, markets,

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

Love Richie Culver, Marria Pratts, David Ostrowski. Obviously lately it’s been Instagram but nothing beats seeing it in the flesh.


Florence Postgate


The Old Brick Studio