The Old Brick Studio

The Old Brick Studio is a creative design studio that offers design services in Surface Pattern Design and Illustration. I set up the business at the end of last year and it's run solely by myself which includes doing all the designing myself. I also have an online shop where you can shop a small selection of my Giclée prints and greeting cards. Instagram: @theoldbrickstudio

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The name 'The Old Brick Studio' came about when I began working as a freelance designer. I was figuring out whether to set up under my own name or another name and at the time the old brick shed in the garden was being converted into the studio. I decided on this name as this was where my journey as a self employed designer began and where the work created takes place.

If you could design for anyone or work on any project what/who would it be?

I would love to work on illustrations for a book. I love the connection between words and images and I think it's really interesting how different people interpret what they read and what they see. I also would love to be involved in a mural project, I think it would be a really good challenge working at a large scale on a permanent surface and great to see my work at a different size to what I am use to.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Oh this is a tricky one. Natural form appears a lot in my work, especially that of the human body and plants. My style is inspired from the different areas within my creative career. The details that often feature within my work like brush strokes and layered textures have been influenced by my background in fine art painting. I often combine these with patterned elements and refined shapes which have been developed more recently through my experience as an Illustrator and Surface Pattern Designer.

If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?

A dream of mine would be to collaborate with a ceramicist and/or rug designer. Two very different areas I know but I think it’s really interesting how artwork can change when placed on different surfaces and how collaborating with someone who has knowledge in different materials to myself would influence the end result of my work. Any surface or substrate that I don’t usually work with would really excite me.

Has working in your new brick studio influenced the way you work?

Definitely! The main thing is space, both in terms of physical space and head space. Before the renovation I was doing all of my work from my bedroom and just found my creative ideas drying up because I was living, sleeping and working all in the same room and had no separation. I work best through visually displaying all my work and ideas in front of me. I put all my illustrations, moodboards, lists (endless lists) and previous work up on the walls which influences my new ideas, having the space to be able to do this has helped massively!

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Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

I am 100% inspired by my family, my dad was a graphic designer and an all round incredible artist and both my grandparents on my mums side were painters. I like to think that my style in general has been influenced by having these people around me all my life.

I’ve also got to shout out my best mate Alice who is absolutely smashing it with her business at the moment! She’s a silversmith and creates the most beautiful jewellery pieces. She only started a few years ago and is still studying the subject at university and it is honestly amazing how well she is doing (pretty sure everyone I know owns a pair of her Gabrielle hoops). You can find her @alicephilpottjewellery 

I could go on, everyone I know inspires and influences my work in someway. 


Amber Sewell


Cara Watson