Florence Postgate

My name is Florence Postgate, I'm a 19 year old artist from the south east of England, currently making work in my bedroom. Instagram: @sadieblooom


The work I make isn't limited to certain mediums and I try my best to experiment using different textures and forms of art, but I suppose the themes that are carried through my work always have elements of colour, experimentation with abstraction, and the idea of capturing certain atmospheres. I especially want my still lives to tell certain stories about the atmosphere they're taken from, a table can tell you a lot about the time the people who sat around it had, from the items left on it to the colours that are used. I also enjoy experimenting with abstraction as it helps me rely more heavily on colour and shadow instead of focusing on figurative shapes to create an interesting piece.

If you could have your work shown anywhere where would it be?

I’m so happy having my work shown in any place, anywhere, so this is a tricky question. I think quarantine has made me appreciate the idea of leaving the country and being able to go to other places in the world, so definitely outside of the UK, the Chelsea gallery district in New York features contemporary art and so that would be brilliant.

If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?

My brilliant friend Elizabeth Sinden and I collaborate ever so often and we work extremely well together, I think that’s what makes a good collaboration, if you can enjoy working with that person. I also miss her very much, so right now it would be her.

For how long have you been an artist for?

My whole family are artistic so I could say that I’ve been interested in art my whole life, and have been drawing and writing ever since I was very young. I wouldn’t say I fully committed to learning techniques and researching artists styles until I was about 14 but only in the past year or two as my work has developed would I have considered myself an artist.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw a lot of inspiration through my experiences, my still lives all have references from places and meals and tables that I have witnessed, and I think my work wouldn’t exist if I didn’t have those moments to draw influence from. My friends are a huge inspiration as well, most of which are artists themselves and artistically influence my style and the way I approach my work. And of course artists that I have researched and studied have a constant effect on me and the work I make, and whenever I feel uninspired I can go on instagram and look through the huge well of inspiration from other artists

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

Florence Hutchins @florencebh , Elizabeth Sinden @Lizziesinden , Anne Sophie tschiegg @tschiegg69 , Max Candeland @maxcandeland_art , Zoe Goodall @gravel.factory , jennifer pochinski @jenniferpochinski


Zena Bresnan


Amber Sewell