Megan Smith
I’m Megan a freelance illustrator from Scotland. I graduated from Grays school of art in 2020 with a B.A Honours in Illustration. I love creating and drawing almost everyday. Living in the Scottish countryside you’ll find me walking among the forests and lochs for inspiration. My work has recently been influenced by the Surrealist ideas of automatism, dreams and fantasy. I enjoy illustrating odd creatures/characters and fantastical landscapes. I’m currently experimenting with comic panels style layouts. Instagram: @megsville_design
Where would you like your work to take you?
I would love to been creating as a permanent job with steady work either in publishing, such as magazines, zines, children’s books or greetings card companies. In the meantime I will be setting up an Etsy to sell some pieces. I believe it’s a good outlet for freelancers and bonus that you get to create what you enjoy doing.
What do you look for when creating an image?
I just look into my imagination.
Where do you draw inspiration from?
I recently draw inspiration as I said previously to Surrealist ideas. As well as the natural world trying to capture its fantastical environments, flora, fauna and animals.
Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?
There are way too many! But to start Instagram is a great inspiration for me when looking at Contempary illustration. From indie illustrators such as @Freyahartas, @NatalieAndrewson, @SophieMcpike and @NuriaTamarit. Van Gogh was a big influence for me growing up, more for the personality and way he approached his painting and creative process. Also have to mention my fellow art school class mate @Simainstripes her style and topics are always such a joy to look at.