Ostrich Magazine

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Lily Jayne Senner

Lily Senner b.1996 London is an artist based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Formally her post-pop style focusses on colour relationships and the use of line and shape to create visually stimulating canvases whilst interweaving underlying narratives into the imagery. Instagram: @lilysenner_studio

Senner studied painting and drawing at The Royal Drawing school (2015) and fine art at Newcastle University (2019) where she refined her vivid colour palette and developed her skills working on a large scale. Senner gains much of her inspiration from the environments she finds herself in and often reflects on her childhood memories of growing up in a working class, religious household. Senner works in several mediums including oil, soft pastel, ink, marker pen and colour pencil. Senner’s work belongs to several private collections across the Uk and she is a member of the working class creative database.

Where would you like your work to take you?

I hope that my work will allow me to work as an artist full time someday without relying upon other side hustles to support me. I also want my work to take me to a place where I know innately what my visual language is as I don’t think I am quite there yet.

Which part of your creative process do you enjoy most?

My favourite part of the creative process is having that lightbulb moment where everything comes together on a painting or drawing and I can begin to enjoy the process of creating without feeling anxious about what I am actually producing as I already know where the piece is going and Im excited to get there.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw allot of my inspiration from the process of creating itself and I get inspired by using certain colours together and trying to create a specific kind of feeling in a piece from what I can physically put down on canvas or paper. I also am constantly inspired by other artists and how they create atmospheres in their work and I try to reflect on what theyve done in my own work.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

I’m really not sure what music compliments my work the most, I’m usually listening to some disco while I paint as I like to keep things upbeat and fun in the studio. Maybe 'everybody dance' by chic?

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

I’m inspired by so many creative people, at the moment I am really into the work of Jade Fadojutimi, Conrad P Clarke, Jules De Balincourt, Sammi Lynch and my good friend Amy Auld.