1K Follower Giveaway!


Thank you thank you thanks you!

As a celebration of hitting 1000 followers - we have decided to do a give away and have partnered up with two wonderful companies based in the UK!

We cannot thank you all enough for supporting us this far and for everyone that we have featured / going to feature in the future. We have been amazed by the kindness and creativity of our amazing community and can’t wait to see what you all come up with next.

We would love to say a HUGE thank you to both Plant Happy Co and Sap Plants for donating these incredibly generous plants for our giveaway! This would not have been possible without you both!

Interviews with both companies are below for a peek into their plant worlds!




In Conversation Plant Happy Co. - House Plant Store @planthappybristol

We are Plant Happy Co, an independent, female-owned online houseplant store offering a large range of indoor plants, pots and homeware at affordable prices. We are based in Bristol, but offer nationwide postage so our plants can be enjoyed throughout the UK. We are strong believers in 'Happy Plants make a Happy Home' and therefore offer beautiful, quality plants at low prices to ensure everybody can enjoy them as much as we do! 

When did your love for plants begin?

I first fell in love with plants while I was at university. It all started with one little plant purchase from Ikea and quickly grew to be an obsession. Before I knew it I had a shelf full, and now an entire house. 

What is your favourite plant?


My absolute favourite plant type is the Sansevieria, better known as the 'snake plant'. More specifically, I love the Moonshine variety. They're just so versatile, easy and so pretty! 

What is the trickiest plant you’ve ever had to battle with?

Pilea Peperomoids. We just don't get along. I cannot for the life of me figure them out, despite people telling me they're meant to be easy!

If you could have any plant in the world what would it be?


My dream plant would be the 'Aglaonema Pictum Tricolour', it looks like someone's painted a camouflage pattern onto the leaves! 

What is an interesting fact about plants people don’t necessarily know?

ooooo, there are just under 400,000 plant species in the world, and this list is growing every day. The average houseplant parent probably owns around 100 species. 

What is something people generally do wrong when they first get house plants?

Overwatering! Believe it or not, your plant does not need to be watered every day. Make sure you research the needs of each individual plant! 

Best plant on a budget and best plant with no budget?

Budget Plant - Snake Plants, if you want something easy. You can usually pick them up from as little as £4! 

No budget - Variegated Adansonii - one leaf cutting can go for as much as £1700! Crazy. 😍


In Conversation Sap Plants - House Plant business @sap_plants

Hi, my name is Chan and I run Sap Plants in Nottingham, a House Plant and Terrarium business. I sell a wide variety of house plants, cacti and terrariums, across various locations in Nottingham and online at www.sapplants.co.uk


I also love propagation! This is something I cover a lot on my Instagram page, where I provide tips to successful propagation and also sell propagation stations.

When did your love for plants begin?

About 5 years ago, it began with cacti and a visit to the wonderful Abbey Brook Cactus Nursery in Matlock really ignited the obsession! It's an amazing place and I came home with 7 or 8 new plants that day. Not long after I started to collect house plants, starting with a Calathea, which looking back was a bold move! They're notoriously high maintenance. 

What is your favourite plant?

Euphorbia succulents are my ultimate favourite, followed by prayer plants. 

What is the trickiest plant you’ve ever had to battle with?

Calathea are quite tricky, they require a lot of attention and very specific living conditions, and suffer during the UK winter months. I've found that grouping them together works as this increases the humidity levels. 

If you could have any plant in the world what would it be?

I would absolutely love a Polaskia chichipe cactus! 

What is an interesting fact about plants people don’t necessarily know?

When you remove leaves from a healthy succulent, they grow roots and baby plants from that single leaf! 


What is something people generally do wrong when they first get house plants?

Having a weekly watering schedule, this often results in over watering for a lot of plants! I can tell when my plants need watering by the weight of the pot they're in usually. Watering weekly can mean you're providing water unnecessarily, which will result in root rot, yellow leaves and leaf loss. 

Best plant on a budget and best plant with no budget?

Best plant on a budget would be a Philodendron Brasil or Golden Pothos, and they're both super easy care! No budget would be a variegated Monstera, as they go for crazy prices due to their attractive, variegated leaves. 




St Patricks Day Create Session!