Ostrich Magazine

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Niels Matitawaer

My name is Niels Matitawaer. An architect from the Netherlands with Moluccan roots. After graduating in architecture I decided to start tattooing myself. I have always been drawing on every surface in front of me. I guess its my purest expression and therefore I never stuck to a certain theme or subject. I draw whatever the fuck comes to my mind, but in someway always comes from a frustrated mind. But to be clear, my heart is full of love. Contradictions! Instagram: @table__of__rice

Where would you like your work to take you?

Let’s say you are in a game, but you only like the playing part of it.

Which part of the creative process do you enjoy the most?

The total act of doing it is like meditation for my soul.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from seemingly contradictory emotions and phenomenons like birth-dead, heaven-hell, love-hate.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

That powerballad from Flansie called Hate me. That song melts and breaks my heart at the same time. Not sure if it compliments my work tho. But for sure it celebrates some rooted feelings that you will find in my drawings too.

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

My grandfather for being the wisest and now Realest In Paradise, my mother for showing me how to love and forgive, and than my creative playas who always pushing me to be exactly me.

@saya__deya, @naamlooozz, @scribbler__, @feleontattoo, @potatoandonion