Florence Postgate Take-Over


My name is Florence Postgate, I'm a 19 year old artist from the south east of England, currently making work in my bedroom. The work I make isn't limited to certain mediums and I try my best to experiment using different textures and forms of art, but I suppose the themes that are carried through my work always have elements of colour, experimentation with abstraction, and the idea of capturing certain atmospheres. Instagram: @sadieblooom

I especially want my still lives to tell certain stories about the atmosphere they're taken from, a table can tell you a lot about the time the people who sat around it had, from the items left on it to the colours that are used. I also enjoy experimenting with abstraction as it helps me rely more heavily on colour and shadow instead of focusing on figurative shapes to create an interesting piece.

I’ve been interested in art my whole life, and have been drawing and writing ever since I was very young.

“I draw a lot of inspiration through my experiences, my still lives all have references from places and meals and tables that I have witnessed, and I think my work wouldn’t exist if I didn’t have those moments to draw influence from.”

Who inspires your work?

Here are some artists I’m looking at for this painting…

Check out Florence’s incredible work on her instagram and on her website.


Ella Griffee


Framing Blackout, Framing Circus