Zie Groenen

My name is Zie Groenen and online I go by @ZieeeeJ
Originally I am from the Netherlands but right now I live in Brussels, Belgium. I am an art school student at the LUCA. I am very passionate about making illustrations and comics. My comics are often about human drama and sometimes star me as the main character. My work is almost always very colourful and psychedelic. All my stories deserve their own approach, therefor I love mixing media a lot of the time. I combine different analogue methods with digital.

Instagram: @zieeeej


Where would you like your work to take you?

I would love to make my own graphic novels. Alongside I would love to do more illustration or comic-strips for magazines or newspapers. I also like to give workshops and would be interested in teaching, collaborating with others and making expositions. There are a lot of roads I would love. I am not picky if it means I get to draw.

Which part of your creative process do you enjoy most?

The part I enjoy the most is probably thinking of the idea I will work on. I love talking out my stories with friends. I do also love colouring my work. For me it comes very naturally and it works almost as meditation.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

A lot of my inspiration comes straight from real life. For example something funny that happened while I walk on the streets. I will transform the scene or concept in something that creates a new layer for my reader. There is a sketchbook on my desk filled with quick concepts that are ready to be drawn.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

There are many good options but I immidiatly thought of Röyksopp. They have very different types of albums, ones which feel more sad and ones that are energizing. But almost every song feels like it has it's own story with a bit of layering. I like their songs a lot!

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

I am a very big fan of comic artists: @ulli_lust @craigthompsonbooks @alessandro_barbucci and manga artist Ai Yazawa. A couple of other fun artists: @m_layzell @connorricks @manglo_org @kodsuno.l @msmollym @becca.teeth @heartsl0b @tristanatsirt


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