Ostrich Magazine

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Jack C Hardy

I'm a 21-year-old Australian artist, currently living in the UK. I started taking a serious interest in art and began painting about three years ago, and I've been doing it almost everyday since. My main objective when painting is simply to express myself, with no deadweight. Instagram: @mossplate

All I really want my art to be is a clear visual
representation of myself, with the hope that some people find an overlap or connection between themselves and my work. I try to paint as clearly as possible the experience I have of being alive – each piece is ultimately an amalgamation of what I see, the music I listen
to, and what I think about.

Where would you like your work to take you?

I want to get to a point where I’m able to dedicate all my time and energy on my work so that I can become the best artist I can be. To have an even broader outreach to people and other artists who appreciate my work would be amazing.

Which part of your creative process do you enjoy most?

At the moment, my favourite part of my process is right in the middle. The point where I know exactly where I’m going and what I’m saying - when the process simplifies down until I’m no longer thinking about what I’m doing. When I can get into that headspace, it feels automatic; it's as if I’m watching things happen instead of doing it myself. It’s not a common occurrence, but it’s the sole reason I love to make art.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I am inspired mostly by the music I listen to – specifically jazz and blues. I use it to get into a rhythm before I begin/while working, and it’s probably the biggest decider of the direction my work takes. As well as music, I’d say film does just as good of a job in bringing about the itch that can only be scratched by making art. I find music and films are incredible devices for reminding me of the beauty in the world – and in turn, this motivates me to make something new and hopefully beautiful as well.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

I’d have to say Miles Davis’ ‘Big Fun’. I’ve made work listening to this album countless times, and it doesn’t seem to get old. I love the chaotic yet ethereal feel of the record. Within my work, I try to express that feeling in my own way.

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

Daniel Jensen (@d_a_n_i_e_l_j_e_n_s_e_n), Hyangmok Baik (@hyangmok), Gao Hang (@gaohangart) and Reginald Sylvester II (@reginaldsylvester2)!