Genevieve Lavalle

Genevieve La Valle is a multidisciplinary artist practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Genevieve’s current experimental practice in textiles embraces both traditional and modern fibre techniques, interlacing the functionality of textiles in the unexpected style of realism. Alongside her studio practice, Genevieve also teaches elementary art and continued adult education. Growing up, La Valle’s fondest memories were learning how to sew, paint, and draw with her mother and sisters. Instagram: @blk_oliveart

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Her current body of work features strong female narratives, heavily influenced by women of the past and current life experiences.
Central to her process of creating is sustainability. Seeing lots of textile waste and availability in repurposing odd scraps or old skeins of yarn, Genevieve has dedicated her practice to create beauty out of waste. With a background in oil and acrylic painting, as well as large scale murals and a BA in Political Science from Xavier University, her work depicts playful motifs, symbolism, politics and iconic portraiture.

Where would you like your work to take you?

I’m really looking forward to creating a cohesive body of work this year in particular. I’m definitely still in the phase of trying to find my artistic “voice” and purpose. I think once I’m able to really solidify my style and figure out what I find worth making, Ill have more of a clearer direction.

Which part of your creative process do you enjoy most?

Usually my favorite part of the process is the initial idea/planning period. I’ll be inspired from something I see outside, or hear in a song, or see at the museum and ill have this like rush of inspiration. That to me is the best feeling! Sometimes I’ll even have a hard time sleeping if I’m too excited to put my idea into creating the next day.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

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Like I said a little bit in the last question, I’m super inspired by art from the past particularly Greek/renaissance art. But in a more contemporary way I’m inspired by modern hip hop and alternative r&b, the human figure, and intricate portraiture. Usually all my pieces have strong narratives which guide me in the process from start to finish.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Mahalia lately. I think 2020 in particular was a big year for emerging black female R&B musicians which I’m really happy about. I think this genre is definitely narrative based, soft, and female focused which is how I feel about what I’m creating as well.

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

I’m hugely inspired by Andy Dixon’s, Alice Herbst, Harriet Popham, Sarah ingraham and probably a so many other people I’m forgetting about!


Rio Drop


Sofia Mourão