Ostrich Magazine

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D’Andre Elizah

D’Andre Elizah is a film Photographer from London, who specialises in portrait and fashion photography. D’Andre is currently 19 years of age looking to shoot as much as possible in order to achieve is photography related goals. He has been shooting on film since roughly July 2020 capturing as many people as possible in order to create the best work possible. Being able to take a screenshot of time that can be kept forever and looked back on is what keeps him motivated and craving more.

Instagram: @delizah_kinggg

Where would you like your work to take you?

My goal with my photography is to take pictures for big brands and their campaigns, especially the ones that I wear and are interested in such as Carhartt, Stussy & Nike. I would also love to get my work published in fashion and music magazines shooting my favourite artists.

Which part of your creative process do you enjoy most?

Great Question, I love the whole process but for me it’s the end. Sending over the pictures to the client and them posting them, using them for a variety of things and seeing people respond positively to them really makes me happy, confirming that I’ve done my job.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from everything around me, when I’m out I like to take everything in and see what I can use for my work.

What piece of music would you say compliments your work the most?

I would sayyy, Hair Down by Sir & Kendrick Lamar, Just because when I shoot I really just chill and try not not to overthink things hence “hair down”.

Can you list a couple other creatives/friends/people you look to for inspiration?

My favourite photographer is Dean Martindale, the way he captures people is astonishing, I would love to shadow him one day and see how he does it. I also really like Vicky Grout, Rosie Matheson & Adam Ali.